Michelle Brittan Rosado

Michelle Brittan Rosado

as manacle,
joining this

with that.
It’s maniacal,

the balance.
Even my name

is an iamb.
So bail me out

of my veins.

or the whole
vial, whatever

is viable.
My navel:

a cable
over the Pacific.

What I became:
my own enclave.

Michelle Brittan Rosado
Michelle Brittan Rosado has had poems published in literary journals such as Calyx, The Los Angeles Review, Nimrod, The Packinghouse Review, and Poet Lore, and was the title poet for the anthology, Time You Let Me In: 25 Poets Under 25. She earned an MFA in Creative Writing at California State University, Fresno, where she won the 2010 Academy of American Poets/Ernesto Trejo Poetry Prize. Currently, Michelle is a PhD candidate in the Creative Writing & Literature program at University of Southern California.