Diana Rebirth

Diana Rebirth


Vakaras, kai dalinomės snaigėmis

Prisiminimų rogėse
Ledinis, baltai mėlynas vakaras
Tuomet kutendamos blakstienas nyko snaigės
Ranka vijai jas
Kvatojai nuoširdžiai
Stebėjaisi vėjo gūsiais ir baltomis šokėjomis –
Jos trukdė plačiai atmerkti akis

Atradimų laikas
Kai tu ir aš buvome vaikai

Kristalinė struktūra, suskaičiuotas laikas
Per kurį jos ištirpsta delne su pirštine
Delne be pirštinės
Susitelkimo akimirka,
tampanti suvokimo džiaugsmu,
Išgyvento pojūčio sekunde
Pavirsta į šaltus lašus
Sušyla ir išgaruoja

Keičiasi ne tik mintys
Kai aš ir tu tampame nebe vaikais

Nelieka jų, ką tik laikytų delne
Dingsta ribos tarp fizikos ir filosofijos

Prisiminimų rogėse
nesudyla tik


The Evening We Shared Snowflakes

Here in the memory sleigh
An icy, whitish-blue evening
When snowflakes tickled my lashes to vanish.
Your hand chased at them
You laughed sincerely
Beheld white dancers in the gusts
That kept eyes from opening wide

A time of discovery
When you and I had been children

A crystal structure, tallied time when snowflakes
Melt in the palm of a gloved hand
A palm ungloved
The moment we melted into each other,
gathered our happiness
Learned that the second only just lived
Forms cold drops
That freeze and evaporate

It’s not just the thoughts of when
You and I left childhood that transform.

What you held in your palm won’t remain.
Lines between physics and philosophy vanish.

In the memory sleigh,
everything weathers remembrance except


Stiklų pasaulyje

Stiklų pasaulyje įvairovė reiškia lankstumą.
Taip pat realizuotus klientų norus ir poreikius.

Angai uždengti paimkime skaidrutę.
Standartas – skaidrutė plius selektyvas.

Susijungus skaidrutei ir dviems selektyvams –
šiluma iš namų nebesprunka.

Susitikus dviems skaidrutėms ir selektyvui, šilumos mažiau,
užtat šviesos daugiau.

Raštuota faktūra taip pat galima –
didesnė regėjimo palaima su ja.

Kaip virdulys be rankenos, taip ir vien selektyvas nereikalingas.
Du selektyvai neegzistuoja, dvi skaidrutės – retenybė.

Suklijuoti plėvele tiek vieni,
tiek kiti sudaro funkcionalų ir stiprų vienį.

Už įvairovę !

[Notes: Skaidrutė is a word I made myself and it means float glass, but in Lithuanian the ending “-e” is feminine.
Selektyvas, with ending “–as” is masculine. It is selective glass, it is like float glass, but with a special coating.]



Diversity means flexibility in glassland
And to realize a client’s desires and needs.

Select pure lamina to cover an opening
The standard dual pane window: pure lamina plus glazing

Heat won’t escape the home once
The pure lamina and two glazings unify as a window.

Two pure lamina unified with one glazing reduce heat
And so permit greater passage of light

You might choose a pattered texture
To yield greater visual bliss.

As a kettle is useless without a handle, so is glazing on its own
Two glazings together don’t exist; two pure lamina, rarely.

To glue a pane together, these and those
Folks form functional, durable oneness.

Support diversity!


Diana Rebirth 1
Diana Rebirth participated in Summer Literature Seminars program, 2014 (Lithuanian poetry group in Vilnius). Different backgrounds and roles until coming back to poetry and prose – Master’s degree of Applied Mathematics, Project Management and Sales skills in business. Poetry drives her to her inner energy source and releases creative energy with a willingness to experiment. For example, the poem “Glassland” was created when she started to work in the insulating glass units industry after ten years of experience in the IT training and consultancy area. Diana has translated 9 poems by Louise Glück into Lithuanian.

Translator’s bio:
Gint Aras (Karolis Gintaras Žukauskas) is the author of a cult novel, Finding the Moon in Sugar. His prose appears in literary journals and he is a contributing editor to The Good Men Project. He lives in Oak Park, Illinois.