Stase Butkyte

Stasė Butkytė


saugiai tolumoje egzistuoja many visai kitas
sustoju ir klausaus kas tai buvo

matau antai tėvas mėsą rūko
pakvimpa nūdiena pasidalina – krimsteliu
vaikystę žinau ir vakarienė ant stalo
tuoj garuos – pasikeičiau, jau mokausi
pagaminti visumą iš dalių

matau nupiešei mane užaugusią ant lapo
aš ieškau kuri dalis kuriai priklauso
o tu sakai, kad visos dalys
priklauso tau
nepriklauso niekas tau, aš žinau

žinau, kad tyliai many egzistuoja visai kitas
užnarpliotas neuronose jungčių
sukomplektuotas ir kartu užguitas
iš kiaušinio ritas
ką davė, o kiek atėmė
iš visumos

The whole

safely in the distance exists in me another
I stop and listen what it was

I see father there smoking meat
It smells of today he shares – I bite
I know childhood and dinner on the table
will soon steam – I’ve changed, already learning
To make a whole out of parts

I see you drew me all grown up on a sheet
I’m searching which part belongs to whom
And you say all parts
Belong to you
They don’t belong to you, I know

I know inside me silently exists another
Entangled in neural links
Complete and also downtrodden
Of birthers
Out of an egg cracking
What it gave, how much it took
From the whole


I am a biochemistry PhD student but deeply in heart – a writer. It was quite difficult to reconcile two different parts of me in my life, but now I know that science is believing in something more powerful and is also magical, like the poem.